With the new release of the Windows 10 operating system, some of you may be anxious to install the new system on your computers. We ask that you please hold off on that for now because HCSS does not fully support Windows 10 or the Edge browser. We do currently and will continue to support current versions of Windows and Internet Explorer.
The HCSS solutions integrate software products from multiple vendors. When Microsoft releases a new version of Windows, we work with those vendors to use versions of their software tested on the new version, and then we also test our application on the new version. While we try to do much of this testing using Microsoft’s so-called early release candidates, there is almost always a few weeks of testing that must occur after the official Microsoft release.
In the case of Windows 10, Microsoft is also introducing a new browser, named Edge. Since HCSS solutions are browser based, and have always specified Internet Explorer, we anticipate additional time until we can support Edge. However, Microsoft continues to support Internet Explorer, which HCSS will continue to specify and support until we are certain of reliable results using Edge.